Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Content creation for the web may be the most important writing of all

There are so many forms of writing, such as fiction, non-fiction, instructional, news and education, just to name a few.  probably one of the largest categories is writing for business, which in itself has many sub-categories.

of all the business writing, however, perhaps the trickiest is writing content to be published online.  At first, this might seem strange when you consider the complexity of writing a business plan or marketing tactical plan.

Although these are very important and often quite lengthy, they do have a pretty straightforward purpose and use.  They'll be read by one person at a time or a group.  But they will be delivered to those who are the intended audience.

When it comes to writing for the web, there is a whole new level of complexity that goes into it.  For one, web-based content must be SEO )search engine optimized) for greatest effect.  you want web-based content to be found by search queries.  you also want people to link to your website, blogs or social media pages.  so your content must be crafted to appeal both to the reader and to the search engines.

Additionally, most online content is written to sell something or get the reader to take action.  When you combine all of this together, you get a truly complex content cocktail.  That's why it's vital to make sure you can produce the best cocktail you can.  or hire someone who can do this for you.

I've found this to be true over and over again.  When I've written content for my clients, it's been for a variety of categories such as IT consulting, cloud computing, independent musical labels, multimedia design and even local music artists, just to name a few.  But the one thing they've all had in common is that their work was complex to produce and had to incite the right type of action from their visitors.

so the moral of this story is, take your internet writing as seriously as you would creating a new business plan or a sales presentation to a big investor.  Web content is complex and long-lasting, so make it the best you can produce.

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